What is TrueSpeed™?

TrueSpeed™ takes a comprehensive customer-specific data stream and applies
machine learning practices and custom algorithms.
It optimizes shipping strategies to increase speed to market and save money.
Reporting is tailor-made to provide meaningful insights.
Every customer has reported significant efficiency improvements.

The Power of AI

Each movement of goods is constructed using a comprehensive data-driven approach. Efficiency ratings are analyzed, then calculated, and serve as a degree of confidence to provide additional insight. Cost and speed to market are core features of the operation. AI takes this data analysis and continually conducts a machine-driven iterative improvement loop. The return goes far beyond what any manual process can provide.


What Are We Working on?

In this increasingly complex logistics world, we believe our customers need every competitive advantage they can get. As we increase the automation of TrueSpeed™ and bring in better predictive analytics, we will begin to approach real-time decision making. With AI constantly evolving, we will incorporate deep learning to go far beyond manual problem solving and unlock superior real-world interpretation of data and decision making.


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